Worn Out Batteries

Check Your Batteries Day

Reading Comprehension for April 2

"I need new batteries for my video game," Brandon said, making a beeline for the display.

Mom raised her eyebrows and tried to maneuver the cart into the tight area. "Again?"

"Yeah. I couldn't get it to work on the way to school today."

"Do you know what size batteries you need?"

"They are double As," said Brandon, picking up a package of eight batteries.

Mom walked over to the display. At the top of the display was a sign that read, "April 3rd is CHECK YOUR BATTERIES DAY." "Hmm," said Mom. "That's today!"

A store clerk walked over to Mom and Brandon. "Can I help you find something?"

"I think we found what we need," said Mom. "I just need to remember what other types of batteries I might need."

"Well, let me know if I can help you," said the clerk. Then he turned and left.

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