Word Wizard

What does "word" mean? How can you find out? You might look in a dictionary. The dictionary says that it is a unit of language. It is a sound that has meaning. It is something that is said or something that is written. Who wrote the dictionary? Noah Webster did.

Noah Webster was born on October 16, 1758. He was born in Connecticut. His father was a farmer and a weaver. Noah's mother worked at home. Noah had two brothers. He had two sisters. The boys helped with the farm work. The girls helped make food. They also made clothes for the family.

Noah loved to learn. Not many people at that time went to school after they were sixteen years old. Noah's parents let him go to college. He went to Yale College. While Noah was in college, a war had started. It was the Revolutionary War. Noah took time to fight in the war. He also kept going to school. Noah graduated in 1778.

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