Why Am I Reading This?

We all read every day. We read for pleasure. We read directions. We read because our teacher told us to. Reading is a way to gain information. Just as there are many ways to solve a problem, there are many ways to read.

It is important to determine what information you hope to gain before you begin reading. This will help you to decide how quickly you should read the text. It will tell you what to look for and what you need to remember. Ask yourself before you read, "What do I hope to get out of this?"

In order to determine your purpose, find out what kind of material you are going to read. Is it fiction or nonfiction? Fiction is often read for pleasure. You are not looking for facts or details. Usually, fiction is read at a fast rate. Characterization, plot, and setting are the most important elements. You will also need to understand the author's mood and the theme of the material.

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