Who Is Joe Biden?

Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942. His parents were Joe and Jean. He was one of four children. They lived in Pennsylvania. When he was ten, they moved to Delaware. Later on, Joe went to college in Delaware. Then he went to law school at Syracuse University. He became a lawyer. He married Neilia Hunter. They had three children.

Biden became a city councilman. Then, when he was only 29, he became a U.S. Senator. Soon after the election, his wife and daughter were killed in an accident. He took his oath of office next to the hospital beds of his sons who had been hurt in the car accident.

Biden married a teacher named Jill in 1977. They had a daughter. Biden was re-elected to the Senate in 1978 and 1984. He ran for president in 1987. Some people said he was using others' words. He dropped out of the race. Soon after, he almost died from an aneurysm that caused bleeding in his brain.

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