What's My Job?

Miss Howell brought a new game to school. The game is called What's My Job? There are pictures of all kinds of people on the box. Each person has a different job. All the students wanted to play the game.

Miss Howell helped the children make two teams. There were eight children on each team. The teams chose names for themselves. The Eagles sat on the right side of the room. The Lions sat on the left side of the room.

"How do we play the game?" Sophia asked.

"I will give you a clue about a community worker," Miss Howell said. "If someone knows the answer, raise your hand. If you are right, your team gets ten points. If you are wrong, the other team can try. If they get it right, they get five points."

"Is it hard?" Daniel asked.

"Some of the clues are very difficult," Miss Howell answered. "If no one can guess the answer from the first clue, I will read another clue. There are three clues for each worker."

Abigail looked puzzled. "If I get the answer wrong, am I out?" she asked.

"You can't guess more than once for each worker. You can guess who the next worker is, though."

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