What a Day!

Sammy was restless. He was so excited. He just couldn't go to sleep. Tomorrow he would be six years old. It was going to be a great day! There would be so many things to do.

Everyone was going to the park. They would swim in the pool. They would play tag. They would climb trees. They would . . .

Slowly Sammy drifted off to sleep.

* * *

Sammy sat up in his bed. He looked out the window. It was sunny and warm. It was a beautiful summer day. It wasn't too warm and it wasn't too cold. It was just right for a birthday!

Sammy got out of bed. He put on his clothes and ran to the kitchen.

"Mom! Dad! Kelly! Dylan!" he shouted. "Let's go to the park right now!"

"Slow down," his father said. "We have to wait for the others to come."

"Well, I'm going outside for a while," Sammy said. "I think the sunshine will feel good."

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