What You Need to Know About Sexual Harassment

What is sexual harassment? It can take many forms. Read about these experiences:

Ann was a seventh grader, having fun in middle school. One day, a boy she didn't know touched her body while she was walking to class. The next day he handed her a note. It talked about some things the boy wanted to do to her. It embarrassed Ann and scared her.

Joe was sitting with an eighth grade girl on the bus. She began to touch his leg. Joe told her to stop. She moved her hand higher and higher. Joe stood up and moved to another seat.

Bob walked up to Sue and her friends while they were waiting for the bus. He began to tell them dirty jokes. Sue and her friends were embarrassed. They told Bob to stop. But he just kept on. Finally the bus came. Sue and the other girls made sure they sat far away from Bob.

Any unwelcome sexual behavior is considered sexual harassment. It is different from flirting. Many teens engage in flirting. This is a mutual (both people enjoy and take part) behavior. It's often how people show they like each other. It makes them both feel good.

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