Looking at fliers (or flyers) sent out by the grocery store is one way to save money while shopping. The fliers are usually sent out every week. They can be inserts in another paper that you buy or something that comes to you through the mail. Most are also available on store websites.
These fliers are more than just colorful. The paper shows what the store is putting on sale each week. By having the fliers from many different stores that are near you, you can find the best deals.
Just because an item is on sale does not mean it is the best deal. An item that is on sale may still be more expensive than at another store. You will have to take time to do some research to make sure you are getting the best deal.
If you think an item is cheaper at another store, take the time to check on the price. You may know the prices of items you buy all the time. Or take the time to write down prices of the items you buy all the time. This way you will know whether the item is cheaper or not.