Twist and Shout: A Tornado is Coming!

One spring day my friend and I were playing outside. All of a sudden, the sky grew dark. Then strong winds began to whip the tree branches. Finally, the town siren began to wail. Oh, no! A tornado was coming!

Tornadoes are spinning columns of wind. They are very dangerous. These powerful winds can cause a lot of damage. They can suck up cars and trees. They can even pick up parts of houses! The powerful winds spin the objects around and then toss them back down to the ground. These twisters can occur anywhere at anytime. They are most common, though, during spring and summer, and between 3:00 pm and 9:00 pm. They are also most likely to strike in "Tornado Alley." Northern Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska are all part of Tornado Alley. Tornadoes are common in Tornado Alley.

If you are inside when a tornado is approaching, move to a safe place. Closets or bathrooms on the lowest level of your home are great options. They are the safest places to be during a tornado. When picking a safe place, make sure that you stay away from any windows. The winds from a tornado could easily break the glass and hurt you.

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