The Titanic Disaster's Aftermath

Large swells rocked the Mackay-Bennet. Her arrival at the disaster site was none too soon. In her hold were 100 tons of ice as well as canvas, iron bars, coffins, and embalming solution.

Three days had passed since they had left Halifax on this grisly assignment. Tomorrow, they would start pulling bodies from the ocean.

The Titanic was hailed as the unsinkable ship. Yet, of the 2,200 people aboard for her maiden voyage, only 705 people survived after she struck the iceberg and sank.

The sailors on the Mackay-Bennet pulled 306 bodies from the water. There was not enough embalming fluid to preserve them all, and they could not return to Halifax unpreserved.

Of that 306, 116 were buried at sea. They were wrapped in canvas with iron bars to insure they sank.

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