The President's Cabinet

The President of the United States has a Cabinet. This Cabinet is not made of wood. It is made of people. These people help the president. Each Cabinet member is an expert on one thing. He or she can help the president with advice.

Our first president's Cabinet had only four men. The word came from Italy. It meant "a small, private room." Maybe the first Cabinet meeting took place in such a room. Thomas Jefferson was the first Secretary of State. He (later) was our third president. Alexander Hamilton was the Secretary of the Treasury. Today you'll see his picture on the ten dollar bill. Henry Knox was the Secretary of War. He built up the U.S. navy. Edmund Randolph was the first Attorney General. President Washington chose these men because he trusted their advice.

Now our president's Cabinet has fifteen members. All of them are called "Secretary." All but one. The head of the Department of Justice is called the Attorney General. There are six other advisors who are not really part of the Cabinet. They also advise and help the president. These six are treated like cabinet members. The White House Chief of Staff is one of them. They may be added to the Cabinet soon.

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