The Nose Knows

Your eyes give you information by seeing. Your ears give you information by hearing. But what does your nose do? It lets you figure out what's happening by smelling. Your nose tells you when something is burning. It tells you when your mother is baking cookies.

How do you go about smelling things? When you breathe in air, it travels into your nasal cavity. Up on the roof of the nasal cavity is a place that has special receptors. The receptors are sensitive to odor in the air. There are at least 10 million of them in your nose!

When odor enters your nose, signals are sent to your brain. The brain figures out what the smell is. It might be a good smell, like brownies. It might be a bad smell, like the inside of your sneakers! A good sense of smell means you can tell the difference between 4,000-10,000 smells!

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