The Mystery of the Fifth Window, Part Four

Anna and Ben raced back into the old house. They had been sitting in the backyard and pondering the professor's message about a fifth window when they noticed an extra window on the second floor. Where was that small stained glass window? Neither of the students had seen it before.

Anna and Ben ran up the stairs to the second floor, two steps at a time. At the top of the steps, there was a door to what they had thought was a closet. When they looked inside, they found several coats hanging inside. Anna knew there had to be some explanation for the small window they had seen on the outside of the house. She pushed the coats aside and pressed her hand against the back of the closet, but nothing happened. Then Ben took a peek. He found a small vertical notch on the right side of the back wall. He put his fingers into the notch and pushed to the left. The panel slid over!

A blaze of bright light startled the students. They had indeed found the small window they had seen from the backyard, and it was stunning. It had a deep blue glass panel. In the center of the panel was a star cluster in the shape of the Pleiades. The stars were made with crystal glass, cut with dazzling precision to catch the rays of the sun.

Along the sides of the small space were some bookshelves. One shelf had neatly-stacked notebooks on it. Anna picked one up and opened it. It was full of equations and rows of notes in tiny script. They had found Professor Bean's precious notebooks! They had solved the mystery of the beautiful fifth window. It was a portal into the professor's secret hiding place.

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