The Mostest Bestest

"What you doing, Mikey?"

Mike's little sister Megan was pestering him again.

"I'm doing my homework. Now go away. I am busy."

Megan stuck out her bottom lip. "Mikey, bad boy," she said. "Mikey don't like Megan." A tear ran down her cheek.

Mike sighed and put his pencil down. "Megan, I am not a bad boy. I am a good boy. I can't do my homework when you are noisy."

"Megan not noisy. Megan quiet. I help Mikey with home stuff." Megan looked hopeful.

"Megan, you are too young. My homework is difficult."

Megan made an angry face. "Megan not too young. Megan old. Home stuff easy for Megan!"

Mike was tired of arguing with his little sister. "Okay," he said. "We'll see. I need to find the antonyms of some words."

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