The Kazoo Band Concert

National Kazoo Day

Reading Comprehension for January 28

Jenny and Karen laughed as they walked out of the band room.

"That was fun," Karen said. "The kazoo is much easier to play than I thought it would be."

"It tickles when we play them. My lips are a little numb from humming the song right up next to the kazoo. But it really is fun," Jenny replied. "Do you think we'll be ready for the concert next Tuesday?"

"I think so," said Karen. "Miss Davis said she thought we were doing well. If everyone can keep a straight face, I think it will be great. You definitely can't play the kazoo when you laugh!"

"The National Anthem with kazoos - it still seems funny," Jenny said, giggling and shaking her head.

"Do you need to get anything at your locker?" asked Karen.

Jenny pulled on her coat. "Nope, I'm already to head home."

The girls walked out of the school and headed toward home. As they went along, they chatted about the concert.

Suddenly, Karen cried out in pain and grabbed her face with her hand.

"What happened?" Jenny said, looking around to determine why her friend was in pain.

Brian and James came running up to the girls as Karen sat down on the ground crying.

"I'm sorry," said Brian, looking down at Karen. "Are you O.K.?"

"No, I'm not! My lip hurts," Karen mumbled, still holding her mouth.

Jenny leaned down. "Let me see," she said lifting Karen's face to hers. "Oh my!" she exclaimed.

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