The Hiding Place, Part 2

Andrew whimpered as he sensed the urgency of the situation. Millie, on the other hand, thought it was a great game riding on her older brother's shoulders. She laughed and patted his head from her perch, clearly enjoying her ride.

John was glad to put her down once they finally reached the cave. Miguel's older sister, Anna Rosa, was already there. She had taken bedding and a small supply of food further back in the cave.

Minutes later, Miguel struggled up the wooded slope with his mother and his other two sisters. They could hardly wait to put down their burdens and rest.

"I've gotta try to get the horses, Ma," said John. "Maybe even the cows."

"Be careful, John," said Mom. "I don't want to lose you."

"Can I go and help, too?" asked Miguel.

His mother barely hesitated before giving him a curt nod. Moments later, the two were hurrying back down the hill toward the cabin. Behind them they swished leafy branches. If they were caught, the lack of tracks might protect the location of their families.

As they reached the bottom of the hill they heard whoops and yells coming from the direction of the cabin. They were too late! There was a sound like hooves coming along the side of the hill cutting them off from the cave. The two boys were afraid of being caught out in the open. They ran to their hiding place near the creek.

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