The Cleanest Boy in Mill City

Jason crawled out of his bed. He rubbed his eyes. He put on his slippers. He walked down the hall to the bathroom. He used the toilet and flushed it.

Jason didn't want to take a shower. He didn't want to take a bath. He didn't want to brush his teeth. He didn't want to wash his hair.

Jason opened the door carefully. He looked down the hall both ways. No one was in the hall. Very quietly he tiptoed down the hall.

He tiptoed past his sister's room.

He tiptoed past his father and mother's room.

He tiptoed back into his own room. He closed the door very carefully. Quietly, he put on his new red shirt. He put on his jeans. He put on his socks. He put on his shoes.

He opened his door and tiptoed down the hall. He started down the stairs.

SQUEAK! It was a step creaking when Jason stepped on it. Quickly, Jason moved to the next step.

SQUEAK! The next step creaked.

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