The Center for Endangered Mythological Creatures

The sign next to the road said the Center for Endangered Mythological Creatures. "That has to be a joke," said Diego to Uncle Jose as they drove past the sign and the large building behind it.

"It's run by a rather strange man," muttered Uncle Jose.

"Do you think we could go there sometime?" asked Diego.

"Only if you have money to waste," grumbled Uncle Jose.

"I'd like to see what's in it. Will you take me if I earn the money to pay for it?" asked Diego.

"I guess so," muttered Uncle Jose.

It took Diego some time to earn the money, but he finally had it all together. Uncle Jose wasn't exactly pleased to take him to the center, but a deal was a deal. When they got there, Diego peered at the barely visible figure in the ticket booth, but he never got a good look at him or her. His money disappeared neatly, though, and two tickets appeared as if by magic.

8They pushed through the heavy double doors into the reception area. "Welcome to the Center for Endangered Mythological Creatures," said a voice behind the two visitors. Diego jumped a bit, and Uncle Jose turned around so suddenly that he nearly fell over.

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