The Best Salesman in the World

Greg works at an appliance store. Greg sees many customers each day. They come to buy different appliances for their homes. One Saturday the store had a big appliance sale.

"Hey, Greg," said the first customer. "I want to buy a dishwasher. Do you have one that is green?"

"Yes, but only one," said Greg. "All dishwashers are on sale today."

"I'll buy it now," said the customer.

Greg was very happy about the sale.

The next customer was a woman. She wanted to buy a blender, iron, toaster, and a small microwave.

"Are these for your home?" Greg asked.

"No, these are gifts for my daughter's wedding," she said.

"Wonderful", Greg replied. "They are on sale. We can gift wrap them for you, too."

"Thank you so much," the lady said. "You must be the best salesman in the world."

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