The Baseball Game

The runner stood on first base as a batter came to bat.

The runner removed his batter's helmet and put on his baseball hat.

The first baseman watched the runner closely as the pitcher threw the ball.

He pitched a speeding cutter. Then they heard the umpire's call.

"ST-EE-RIKE," he bellowed loudly. The crowd gave a Bronx cheer.

The runner tried to steal again. It was clear he had no fear.

Another pitch was thrown, and the batter swung at it hard.

It looked as if that baseball had been hit out of the yard,

but it flew outside the third base line, so it was called a foul.

The catcher brushed home plate off as the fans began to howl.

The first base runner ran for second as that foul ball was caught.

Would he try a steal to third base next? He certainly would not.

The pitcher wound up one more time, and he threw it straight.

"STRIKE!" yelled the hefty umpire. The crowd became irate.

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