Steve Irwin

September 4, 2006 - Steve Irwin, known as the Crocodile Hunter, was killed by a stingray while snorkeling off the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia. He had planned a day of filming a segment for The Ocean's Deadliest. Suddenly and unexpectedly, a stingray raised its barbed tail and stabbed Steve Irwin through the heart. A friend of Irwin's speculated that Irwin and a cameraman had accidentally boxed in the stingray and caused it to react in defense.

Members of Irwin's crew immediately called for emergency medical help. They performed CPR and rushed him to meet the helicopter. Despite their quick responses, Steve Irwin died from his injury.

Queensland, Australia, police confirmed his death and notified his family.

A friend said, "He died doing what he loved best."

The news spread quickly around the world. People on all sides of the globe mourned Steve Irwin's death along with his family - his wife Terri, his daughter Bindi, and his young son Bob.

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