Special Journey, Special Day

Did you ever have "one of those days"? Beverly did. Today, she was feeling a little low. Nothing seemed to be going right today. Everything took longer to do than she expected it to. On top of that, she'd had an argument with a good friend. Her computer had broken down. And, the cool weather of autumn was starting to turn into the colder weather of winter.

Beverly was not fond of winter. She much preferred the spring, when new flowers peeked out from the warming ground and she could spend hours in her garden. She especially enjoyed watching the butterflies that would cruise from plant to plant. They made her feel joyful. Beverly could spend all day in her garden if other needs didn't come up!

Beverly sighed as she headed out to her backyard. At this time of year, her garden wasn't very pretty. She slipped on her gardening gloves and headed to one of the containers near the tree line. There she had planted some pansies for the winter. In the state where she lived, hardy plants like pansies could survive the winter. She surely appreciated being able to live where flowers could grow all year. It was nice to see color in the containers.

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