Special Finds

Thrift Day

Reading Comprehension for August 17

Dusty and Daphne stopped in front of the biggest thrift shop in town. They raced to see who would be the first inside. Had there been any passersby, they would have laughed to see the long-legged twins get tangled up and fall against the glass door. Laughing, Dusty pulled himself up by the door handle and shook his mop of brown hair out of his gray eyes. Daphne's cheeks were flushed with embarrassment as she adjusted her blue jean skirt and her tie-dyed headband that kept her wavy brown hair out of her face.

"I hope nobody saw that," Daphne murmured as Dusty pulled the door open.

"Get over yourself," Dusty retorted over his shoulder as he entered the store.

Dusty hiked up his jeans and swaggered across the streaked linoleum floor to the book section. His dandelion yellow T-shirt made him easy to spot as he began looking at the titles on the bargain table. Beyond the table, books lined the black bookshelves that stood against the tired beige walls.

Daphne took a few steps into the store. She stopped to give the sections a quick glance. With $20 in her flirty pink purse, she was sure to find a few things worth having!

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