Secretary of Labor

The Department of Labor has a long history. Congress established the Bureau of Labor in 1888. It was under the control of the Department of the Interior. In time, it gained its independence. It then became known as the Department of Labor. However, at that time it was not a part of the executive branch. In 1903, it became a bureau again. This time, it was a part of the Department of Commerce and Labor. In 1913, it again became its own department. The Department of Labor came into being as a result of an act signed by President Taft. Today it is a cabinet level department in the executive branch. The head of the department is called the secretary of labor. He or she gives the president advice on issues dealing with the American workforce. The Department of Labor is housed in the Frances Perkins Building. The building was named after Frances Perkins. She was the first female cabinet secretary in history. She served as the secretary of labor for twelve years.

The Department of Labor oversees federal programs to .....

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