Ruth White

Ruth White is a bestselling and award-winning author. Writing is something that she has always wanted to do. She has known that since she was a very young girl. She knew that she wanted to write before she even started school.

Ruth White grew up in the Appalachian Mountains. Her family lived in a small coal-mining town in Virginia. It was a very poor area. No one had much money. Few had a good education. Ruth's parents both dropped out of school after completing the eighth grade.

Ruth White grew up in the 1940s and 1950s. It was a time when most of America was thriving. Things weren't so good in Whitewood, Virginia. The elementary school that Ruth White attended had just a few rooms. There was no running water. There were no bathrooms. There was no cafeteria. There were no sports teams or art classes. The school was decades behind most schools in America.

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