Rubik's Magic Cube

The Rubik's Cube is one of the best selling toys in history. It did not start out as a toy or even a puzzle. The cube is the creation of Erno Rubik. Rubik studied sculpture in college. Then he went back to a small art and design school. He studied architecture. Later he taught interior design there.

Rubik was searching for a model to help teach his students about 3-D objects. In 1974, he invented the cube. He called it the Magic Cube. It is made of twenty-six little cubes. They are called cubies. Rubik hand carved each cubie. At first, he used rubber bands to hold the cubies together. That did not work. He then created a center piece. The center cubies on each side fit onto this piece. They are the only pieces that do not move. The other cubies attach onto these and each other. Each cubie is held in place by another. Each cubie has a colored sticker on the outer side. .....

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