
It would be hard to find someone in the world who hasn't experienced a stomach bug. Even little ones are affected by outbreaks of diarrhea. In children aged three months to two years old, one virus is very commonly the cause of diarrhea. It is the rotavirus.

Almost all children have had rotavirus before they are five years old. The rotavirus causes three million cases of diarrhea in the United States every year. About 50,000 of these cases must be hospitalized. Outbreaks often occur in child care centers and children's hospitals, most commonly in winter and spring. Few children die from rotavirus in the United States, but children in other countries where healthcare is poor often die from it.

What are the symptoms of rotavirus? Lots of diarrhea is the primary symptom. The child may also suffer from fever, nausea, cramping, and vomiting. The child may have a cough and runny nose.

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