Robert Kimmel Smith

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Heidi. Each night, after a long day of school, chores, and play, she crawled into bed. Before she went to sleep, her father always told her a bedtime story. Sometimes he even made up stories of his own.

One night, Heidi's father began telling a wonderful story! It was a story about a boy. His name was Henry Green. Henry loved chocolate more than anything else. He couldn't wait until he got to have more. Then, one day, something strange happened. Henry had weird brown spots and ugly brown bumps all over him. He had chocolate fever! As Heidi's father told the story, it got bigger and bigger. It was much too long of a story to tell in the short time before putting Heidi to bed. Heidi's father had to cut the story short. Heidi was disappointed. It was a good story! She wanted to know how it ended. She encouraged her father to finish it.

This isn't a made-up story. Heidi is a real person. Her father's name is Robert Kimmel Smith. Thanks to Heidi, he is a successful author! Robert Kimmel Smith's first book was called Chocolate Fever. It is the story that he began telling Heidi one night before bed. If not for Heidi's encouragement, the book might never have been written!

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