Rising to the Challenge

Culinary Arts Month

Reading Comprehension for July 8

A seating error of major proportions left Chef Sheridan side by side with Silvia Bayne at the gala fundraiser. The dislike that the two cooking show rivals felt for each other was widely known. What had the host been thinking, pairing them up like that?

Silvia sniffed disdainfully. "I can't wait to see what kind of monstrosity you build from the main course," she said, reaching for her water goblet.

"And I am looking forward to your patronizing demonstration on how one should consume it," Sheridan retorted, not deigning to look at that annoying wannabe.

"Well, if somebody insists on building edible skyscrapers, then it behooves the more civic-minded professionals--such as myself--to rescue gourmands from certain disaster," Silvia answered. She pasted on a false smile and waved her fingers at another TV chef who had just entered the room.

"You know the old saying-- those who can, do; those who can't, criticize."

Silvia spilled water as she forcefully returned her goblet to the table and turned to face Chef Sheridan. "Are you accusing me of being unable to cook?"

Sheridan looked down his nose at her. "I'm saying that you are a jealous shrew who couldn't find her way out of a puff pastry without complaining about its size and texture first."

Silvia's mouth opened for her next angry response, but it never came forth. A large hand clamped down on her shoulder, and another one hit Sheridan's shoulder at the same time. Startled, they both gazed upward.

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