Rhiana loved to shop. She had an amazing sense of style and liked to bedazzle family and friends with her choice of bangle earrings, rhinestone-studded designer jeans, and bright scarves. Rhiana's favorite place to go was the mall, and she usually wanted to buy things immediately without shopping around.
A typical shopping trip went something like this. Rhiana's dad often took her shopping since her mom did not like to shop at all. He tried not to roll his eyes when they passed the brightly decorated windows full of slender, fashionable mannequins with stuck-up expressions.
"Those skinny ladies with their high fashion outfits scare me!" joked Dad.
"Oh, Daddy, look at that pink sweater with orange polka dots!" said Rhiana, deftly ignoring her father's sarcastic remark. "That would be perfect for parties. Can we please get it?"
"Rhiana, how about shopping around a bit before buying something today?" asked her dad.
"But, Dad, it's on sale, and it might be gone soon," said Rhiana, opening her blue eyes wide in anticipation.
Dad had the final say since he had the checkbook, and this time he said no. Somehow, he wanted to teach Rhiana to be more careful about her purchases. He wanted her to enjoy window-shopping for bargains as much as she enjoyed making quick purchases. He wanted her to spend money with more care and be thriftier.
One day, Rhiana's dad looked at a calendar and laughed. The picture for the month of November was a fat, terrified turkey. Then he noticed a funny November holiday, and this odd day gave him an unusual idea.