Returns A La Cart

Return Carts to Supermarket Day

Reading Comprehension for February 16

"I hate it when that happens," Grandma muttered under her breath.

We were pushing a grocery cart out to the van at the local Shoppers Mart. Every Tuesday, Grandma and I head to the grocery store to stock up for another week of meals. Since I am homeschooled, I am able to go with Grandma most of the time. Most of my friends can't understand why I enjoy going grocery shopping, but Grandma makes it fun. I help her with coupons, and then she gives me the money that is saved with them! When we get home, I help her put the items away, and then we sit down and figure out how much we saved. Grandma immediately gives me the money. Last week, I earned $5.00 from all the coupons I had cut out and organized for her!

Well, back to the story. Grandma and I came up to her minivan and noticed a shopping cart right next to it. As we got closer, we could see that it was touching the van and had possibly put a small scratch on the van.

"I really wish people would simply return the carts to the store," Grandma huffed.

I began to wonder why people didn't do that. I guessed it was because they were in a rush to go to the next place.

As if she had heard my thoughts, Grandma said, "I suppose they must rush to the next place. But it only takes a few minutes to walk the cart back, and it's good exercise."

Grandma is faithful about exercise. Everyone always comments about how young she looks. She and my mom look about the same age, which is a compliment to Grandma. (I'm not sure what it is for Mom!)

I remembered what Grandma always says-

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