Republic Day in Pakistan

Daily theme

Reading Comprehension for March 23

Think about something important to you. Not just something a little important - very important. Something you'd fight for. A friend? Your family? What about your country? What about religion? Perhaps all of those things are important to you. As you can guess, those things are very important to many people around the world. And some people have had to fight hard for all of them. The country of Pakistan is a good example.

Pakistan is a country in Southern Asia. It is located next to India, Afghanistan, Iran, and China. Pakistan is about twice the size of California. But there are a lot more people living in Pakistan than there are in California. The population of Pakistan is about 196 million! Most of the Pakistani people are Muslims, which makes Pakistan one of the largest Islamic states in the world.

The history of Pakistan began thousands of years ago. Along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, Pakistan was home to some of the earliest civilizations on Earth! Many of its traditions are very old. An interesting part of Pakistan's history is its religions. Pakistan has had many religions.

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