"Dad, what was Mom like?" asked Kaylee as she shuffled through a stack of pictures. She stopped at a faded color snapshot and stared at the smiling face that looked back at her. The girl in the picture was younger than she was now.
Dad came over to where Kaylee sat cross-legged on the floor. "I always liked that shot," he commented before answering her question. He grunted as he folded his legs and sat with a thump on the floor.
"Your mom loved life. She enjoyed drawing, and she loved you very much. You know you have her eyes," he said wistfully.
"What else?" asked Kaylee. "What parts of me are like her?"
"Your eyes, as I said. Also the way you smile. Sometimes I'll look up, and your face and expression are exactly hers. Then it passes, and your face is your own again. It's really quite amazing." Dad paused and looked at Kaylee. "What's all this sudden interest about Mom?"
Kaylee shrugged her shoulders as she shuffled through several more pictures. He waited patiently for her to speak.
"Mother's Day is coming up," she began. "I was trying to think of some memories with Mom, but I couldn't. I thought that we used to have some old VHS tapes, but I couldn't find them. That's why I started looking at the pictures."
"You won't get memories from looking at those," joked Dad as he poked at the pictures that were made long before Kaylee was born.