A sudden stream of cold water down Cam's neck interrupted his thoughts. He quickly shifted out of the way of the water. He was sure he'd come down with a cold from being so wet.
Cam glanced up at the sky once more. It looked like he'd have to wait through more rain. Once the rain stopped, he thought he could make it down along the river bank. There were other places he might be able to get back up. One thing was for sure, he couldn't get back up to the place from where he'd fallen.
He settled back into his shelter as well as he could and thought about school. It was hard to believe he'd soon be done with it. It seemed like just last year that he'd been in the ninth grade.
What had he been thinking when he'd been so rudely interrupted by that water down his neck? Oh yes, Zach, Brandon, and the pencil missiles. The memory came alive in Cam's imagination once more.