Rachel Interviews Gene the Grasshopper

"Good morning, boys and girls. I'm Rachel Scott, the host of Bugs Beyond Belief. Today I have here one of the most common insects around. Even though he's common, he's still very interesting. His name is Gene, and he's a grasshopper. Good morning, Gene."

"Morning, Rachel. You're right that we're very common. In fact, boys and girls all over the world know about grasshoppers. That's because we live almost everywhere."

"Almost everywhere?"

"Yes. We don't live near the North and South Poles."

"What exactly do grasshoppers like to eat?"

"We love plants, leaves especially. Show me a grasshopper and I'll show you someone who loves to snack on a leaf. I promise."

"Is that true of all grasshoppers? I understand there are thousands of different kinds of grasshoppers."

"Yes, our love of plants is something we all have in common. We're also great jumpers with long back legs. Except for those, each kind of grasshopper has its own look. All over the world, you can find grasshoppers of different sizes. Some of us can be smaller than a penny; some of us can measure up to five inches long."

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