Preventing Fires

The water lapped at the shore of the small lake as the wind pushed the waves. Kevin put new bait on his hook and cast the line into the water.

"That wind is really picking up," said Kevin. "I hope it doesn't blow up a storm."

"Me, too. I have been looking forward to fishing with you all week," said James.

The boys sat on the dock in silence for several minutes. Then Kevin said, "I really enjoyed hearing Captain Baker speak about fire safety to our class this week, didn't you?"

"Yes, it was pretty good, but I don't really think fires in our home would ever be a problem. We are very careful at our house," James said as he picked up his cold drink and took a sip.

"Well, Captain Baker said that I could be a junior fireman if I want, and I want to be a real fireman when I grow up," said Kevin. "I really like the idea of helping people and learning how to prevent fires."

"I don't want to be a fireman," said James. "I think I would like to be an astronaut or maybe a jet pilot."

Kevin smiled and took a sip of his drink. "I don't think we are going to catch anything today," he said. "The fish just aren't biting."

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