Poisonous Plants

Daffodils and hyacinths remind us that spring is here. The giant oak tree provides shade from the hot summer sun. A slice of a ripe, juicy tomato is a tasty summer treat. Did you know that parts of these plants could also be poisonous?

The bulbs of the hyacinth, narcissus, and daffodil are all toxic. Most of us wouldn't think of taking a bite out of a daffodil bulb, but toddlers don't understand the danger. If eaten, these flower bulbs can cause nausea and vomiting. Bulbs are often planted in the fall. Sometimes people dig them up after they have bloomed and store them in a dark place until the next fall. The important thing to remember is to keep these bulbs in a place where toddlers can't get at them. Enjoy the flowers, but keep bulbs away from toddlers.

If you ever sit under an old oak tree you should know that acorns, the nuts containing the seeds of the oak tree, are mildly poisonous. The acorn might be a tasty treat for a squirrel, but acorns are definitely not edible nuts for humans. American Indians used acorns to make flour, but the acorns must be first soaked several times in water to remove the poisons. The leaves of an oak could also cause skin irritation but doesn't often produce serious complications. Enjoy the shade and leave the acorns on the ground.

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