Plants, Animals, or Everything

Every living thing must have energy to grow and to stay alive. Where does the energy come from? It comes from food. Plants make their own food. They use sunlight, air, water, and nutrients from soil to make food. Animals can't make their own food, though. They have to get food another way - by eating!

Some animals get their food by eating plants. That's all they eat - plants! They are called herbivores. Many of them - like goats and cows - eat all day long. Herbivores can be very large. Cows, moose, and reindeer are big herbivores. Some are very small. Rabbits are small herbivores.

Some animals get their food by killing and eating other animals. These animals are carnivores. Some carnivores like weasels and badgers help control how many rodents, snakes, and insects there are. Hawks and owls are carnivores that also eat rodents and insects. Lions, southern elephant seals, and polar bears are some of the largest carnivores. They are usually very fast and very strong.

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