
Chances are, you see pictures around you every day. Your schoolbooks, your favorite magazines, and many websites have photographs in them. What makes them interesting? Is it the subject? Is it the action? Or is it a combination of many things?

There are many different kind of photographers. All do the same basic work, but there are hundreds of styles of photography. There are also many different ways to become a photographer. For many professional photographers, photography started out as a hobby. Do you enjoy taking pictures with a digital camera or a cell phone? One of today's most famous filmmakers - Steven Spielberg - began his career at 13 making a war movie that featured his teen-aged friends as actors!

Many photographers go to college or trade schools to learn how to be better photographers. There they learn photographic techniques. They learn how to "compose" a picture - making sure all the right elements are in the picture. They learn about color, light, and shadows, and they study many different kinds of art. Often, these studies can go on for a year before a photography student begins to use a camera!

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