Peter's Crazy Calendars

Peter was in high school. He had a part-time job at a printing company. He wanted to learn the business. He hoped to have his own company someday.

Today Peter was working on a calendar. The calendar was for the schools in the county. It was a big order, and it was important for everything to be correct.

"I need someone to check this calendar. Are the January holidays correct?" Peter asked.

Two people looked at the calendar. They laughed. Peter was worried. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"You put Independence Day on January 9," they said. They laughed some more. "We can't have our Independence Day fireworks in the winter," they told Peter. Peter moved Independence Day to July 4.

"What about New Year's Day? I have it on January 1," Peter said.

"That's right," a woman said.

"What is this heart for in February?" Peter asked Robert.

"That's for Valentine's Day. Where did you put it, Peter?" Robert looked at Peter's calendar. He looked at May. He looked at August. He looked at October. He found Valentine's Day on November 14. "Peter, you need to put Valentine's Day in February, not November."

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