Perspective - From A Bird's Eye View

You have a different view of the world than birds do. A bird can fly overhead and get an aerial view of things. Birds can see everything below them: the roofs of buildings, cars on roads, and even the top of your head as you play outdoors. Airplane passengers also have a similar view. It is called a "bird's eye view" of the world, or an aerial view. The Wright brothers were among the first men to get this view of a little part of the world in 1903. The Wright brothers were able to look down from the sky. They flew the first airplane that was powered by a simple engine. It was called the Wright Flyer. They flew it at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. December 17 was a great day in history.

You see things from a very different perspective. Instead of looking down at the tops of people's heads, you see people's profiles, or side views. .....

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