Peppermint Pennies (part 1)

Lost Penny Day

Reading Comprehension for February 12

Morag held out her hand to her younger sister as they started across the icy wooden bridge. Anwen stared at the stream as it raced under the bridge. Morag tugged on her sister's mittened hand to keep her moving.

"Morag," said Anwen, "what would happen to me if I slipped and fell in the stream?"

Morag sighed. "Why do you always try to think about things that will never happen? If you hold my hand or the railing, you won't fall into the water. If you stay away from the stream banks like you have been told to, you won't be able to fall in. Let's hurry. It's cold out here."

The two girls trudged slowly along the long, narrow, snow-covered road toward the nearest town. It was little more than a cluster of small houses with a general store and a church.

Once a month, Morag was allowed to go to the store without her parents. For five cents, she could buy enough peppermints to keep her mouth happy until the next month. She shook the little cloth bag she carried. The five copper coins inside clinked in response. She shook it again. The sound reminded her of the sleigh bells people put on their horses.

The house of their nearest neighbor was just up ahead. The Jones family, like Morag's family, the Davises, had emigrated from Wales to Pennsylvania. In fact, most of the people in town were from there as well.

As Morag and Anwen passed the long lane that led to the Joneses' house, they could see the building. It was about the same size as their own home, and a curl of smoke rose from the chimney. It was very quiet, and Morag wondered where Arvel was. He was the youngest of the Jones children and always acted like he had something to prove. He was usually outside somewhere, but today, all was quiet.

The road turned, following the stream, and the house was blocked from sight. Morag clasped Anwen's hand more firmly as she hurried her steps toward town. Just then, a shrieking sound shattered the air.

Anwen screamed and hugged her sister, while Morag gave a small jerk of fright. She quickly glanced about, trying to find the source of the sound. Then laughter rippled through the air from above them.

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