Our Country's Flag

Flag Day

Reading Comprehension for June 14

We call our flag "Old Glory," "The Stars and Stripes," and "The Red, White, and Blue." We carry it in parades. The Pledge of Allegiance is recited while we face our flag. Our flag is flown at public buildings. It is even on the moon! How did we get our flag? Why do we need one?

Many years ago, America was a British colony. We flew the British flag. We were loyal to the king. Then things changed. America wanted to be a new country. And, a new country needs its own flag.

There's a story that says Betsy Ross made the first flag. It seems George Washington thought it was important for the soldiers as they fought for freedom from England. So, George came to Betsy and showed her what he wanted. And Betsy made a flag. We're not sure that this story is true. Betsy Ross told her grandson it was. But there is no proof. Still, it is a good story. Maybe it is true.

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