"Yes, Mr. Punkin. Today was one very good day," said Jimmy as he sat beside his prized pumpkin. "I knew today was going to be special when I smelled that cake that Mama was makin' this mornin'."
Jimmy pulled out his big blue handkerchief and polished a spot on the large orange pumpkin beside him. "It didn't take long for me to understand why Mama was a makin' that cake. I saw that-there carriage coming up the road, and I knew who it was right away. Then, just like that, Mrs. Vanderbilt stepped out of that carriage. Don't you know that carriage had fringe on top of it?"
Jimmy wiped a bit of sweat from his forehead and then leaned back against the big pumpkin. "You know, Mr. Punkin, I seen Mrs. Vanderbilt before. When she stepped out of that-there carriage, she waltzed right over to me here in this punkin patch. Do you know what she said?"