Neighbors Living Near a Nuclear Power Plant

Bob and Jill are next-door neighbors in New York. One evening, Jill was walking outside and ran into Bob.

"Hi, Jill," Bob said. "How are things?"

"Fine, Bob," Jill answered. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," Bob responded. "Where are you off to?"

"You don't really want to know, Bob," Jill said. "We've had this conversation before."

"Don't tell me you are headed to the meeting about the nuclear power plant. I told you it's perfectly safe," Bob said.

"Bob," Jill asked, "why do you think it's so safe?"

Bob answered, "The energy that is generated is efficient. Nuclear reactors need little fuel. The waste produced is so much smaller than that at a coal-burning plant. The chance of getting sick from a nuclear power plant accident is a lot less than from dying of a respiratory illness caused by a coal burning plant. Nuclear power plants don't produce carbon dioxide, so they do not add to the greenhouse effect or cause acid rain."

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