Naming Your Pet

Welcoming a new pet into your family is an exciting event. Getting to choose a name for that pet is icing on the cake! There are so many choices. You don't want to make a mistake. You might name a white kitten Lily only to find out later that it's a Leo. It's helpful to know your pet's gender before you pick a name. Besides gender, there are other things to consider when choosing a name for your pet.

What does your pet look like? Some owners name their pets after the color of their fur, feathers, scales, or skin. Midnight, Smoky, Snowflake, Ginger, and Goldie are a few color choices. A pet with white paws or hooves might be named Boots, Socks, or Mittens. Tiger may be the name you choose for a striped pet. A turtle could be called Shelly. Tiny and Fluffy are other names based on a pet's looks.

How does your pet behave? A pet with a sweet nature might be given a name like Gumdrop, Peaches, or Cookie. Names like Dash, Rascal, Scrappy, and Mr. Wiggles might be a good fit for a busy pet.

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