My Single Mom

My name is Jenna. I have a mother. She is called a single mom. That means she doesn't have a husband. She has a job, she has school, and she has me.

Mom works hard to pay all our bills so that we have a nice place to live, food to eat, and gas for the car. When we need extra money, she gets a second job. She also takes some online classes for a college degree. She says that having a college degree will improve our lives, but it's a lot of hard work. Sometimes she is so tired after work and studying that she falls asleep on the couch! If that happens, I cover her with a plaid throw that we have. She will tell me later that the couch held onto her and wouldn't let her get up. Isn't that funny?

A lot of times our meals are fast thanks to the microwave, but on my birthday, my mom always bakes a cake for me. She lets me pick out the cake flavor and the color of the icing! I feel special when she does things like that for me.

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