Mountains to Climb!

The purple, snow-capped mountain peeked out of frothy white clouds. The vast blue sky stretched above the glistening peak. The sight reminded Renee of her shiny knees when they poked out above the white bubbles in the bathtub. This idea made her want to chuckle, but she couldn't giggle in class. Too bad she wasn't really at Mount Kilimanjaro where she could let out a good belly laugh.

Renee was studying a photograph of the mountain with the rest of her fifth grade class. Their teacher was telling them about an adventure he had had while climbing the stunning peak. Wiry Mr. Rim always tried to inspire his students by sharing his exciting personal experiences.

"I went on a trek to the summit of this magnificent mountain. It was a rough trip. No fancy hotels and fluffy beds for us! We stayed in huts. We had cold showers. We hiked through lush, green rainforests and then through scruffy, spindly shrubs. The scenery was new each day. On the fifth day, we reached the summit. It is over 19,000 feet tall and is the highest point in Africa," said Mr. Rim.

"Did you see any animals?" asked one student.

The class perked up. They enjoyed hearing about the mountain's scenery, but what they were really curious about was African wildlife. Renee secretly wondered if her teacher saw an elephant on his trek.

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