Marci's Mean Mom, Part 1

Marci was certain that she had the meanest mom in the world. She almost regretted asking to have a friend over for Saturday afternoon. Her mom had said yes and then added a long list of requirements.

Her homework had to be completely done, and her room had to be clean. She also had to make sure her pets were properly cared for in advance. She knew why that condition had been added, but she'd only forgotten to feed the gerbils one day. Mom really took things too seriously.

Marci moved her papers from her desk to her bed so she could look outside while she worked. She had always liked the view from her second floor window. The house was set on a hill, and her window overlooked the nearby stream and the pasture that stretched up the gentle hill opposite the house.

She could see her brother, Andrew, tromping about in the shallow, muddy water. He looked like he was trying to catch frogs.

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