Making History at the PHC

The excitement level at the PHC was higher than Tim had ever seen it. Everyone was talking about the new acquisition, and everyone had an opinion. Tim had just heard about it at school that day, and he couldn't wait to ask his dad about it.

Tim's dad was the director of the PHC, which was short for Permanent Human Colony. This facility was an ocean-floor research structure. Tim and his family had lived and worked there for a long time. Several families lived there. Most of the adults were marine biologists. Some of the best marine biologists and ocean research scientists in the world worked at the PHC. They did research at the PHC so that they could learn how to protect the ocean and the animals that lived there.

That is why, when news broke that a fossil had just been found of a prehistoric whale, everyone was excited. The most exciting part was that the fossil was being brought to the PHC to be studied.

Tim had heard rumors that this fossil could be very special. It was believed to be the oldest of its kind ever found. If that proved to be true, it could fill in a gap in the fossil record and help to prove or disprove many theories.

The fossil had been found not far from the PHC. That was one of the reasons why the decision was made to bring it here. The fact that some of the best scientists were already assembled at the PHC didn't hurt, either.

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